Shopify + Next.js + Tailwind CSS: Modern Ecommerce
Modern eCommerce Development Course focusing on Shopify, Next.js, TailwindCSS, GraphQL. Additional topics include Storefront API, Static Site Generation, getStaticPaths, getStaticProps and more.
2. What we will be building
3. Next.js + Tailwind CSS Setup
4. Shopify Setup
5. Fetching Products with GraphQL
6. Displaying Products on Home Page
7. Dynamic Product Pages
8. Layout (Header and Footer)
9. Deploying to Vercel
10. Product Page (Image)
11. Product Page (Option Selector)
12. Add To Cart Functionality
13. Persisting Cart using localStorage
14. MiniCart with Tailwind CSS
15. Remove Item Functionality
16. Clean up and small fixes
17. Product Page Image Swiper
18. Footer
19. Recommended Products Section
20. Home Page Sections
21. SEO for Next.js and eCommerce
22. SWR for Dynamic Content Fetching
Storefront API Update (2022-10)
Let us know what you thought of the course!
1. Hydrogen Intro
2. Hydrogen Setups
3. Shopify Hydrogen Component Naming
4. Shopify Hydrogen Walkthrough
5. Shopify Hydrogen Product & Layout
6. Shopify Hydrogen Color Swatches
7. Understanding SSR